[insert title here]


Was randomly reminded of Totem, a game about communicating with strange entities via unique languages, and finally decided to give it a try. Only took a shot at two of the four entities, but it definitely captures the feeling of rapidly trying to understand a new language and the challenges of holding a conversation while doing so. Trying to grasp the meaning of what you and the entities are saying and how they're interpreting your words is a fun process, if a difficult one.

The first one especially -- Wreckingball, a large orb with lights all across its surface that has two personalities -- was probably the most difficult. I can speak to its emotional side easily as I could figure out what glyphs tended to make the sentences it most responded well to, but the logical side... not sure how to talk to it. Totem wants you to converse so that these beings will eventually be convinced to leave somehow, and for Wreckingball specifically, that means making the emotional side empathetic toward me while keeping the logical side from gaining too much knowledge. Hard balance to strike when I'm not entirely sure how to talk to that side without giving it information.

Every attempt I've made has ended badly because I said the wrong thing to the logical personality. Feels kinda random sometimes, but I'm probably just not well-versed enough in the glyphs to get a feel for what I should be saying. The glyphs are purposely vague and difficult to be clear with (they generally cover broad concepts: love/live, death, knowledge, potential, territory, size, purpose, technology, and so on) and have what seems like a just a bit of punctuation mixed in (periods, whether something is multiple/plural, verb markers, brackets, etc) and even whether they're asking a general or hypothetical question. It's a lot to keep up with.

The second one -- Creaker, a large, looming being that speaks through the sound of horns -- felt a bit easier to work with once I understood how to use the interface. The pitch of the noises it makes translate into a specific set of words that make it a bit easier to glean some insight as to how to approach conversation since I'm just stringing words together instead of symbols, but it's still easy to say the wrong thing and die. Goal for that one is to keep its "rage" balanced while raising the "threat" gauge so some off-screen force can shoot a large spear at it to scare it off. Haven't gotten too far in that one yet.

Haven't tried the third yet, but the game's Itch page says it loves to ask philosophical questions, so... that should be interesting. Definitely gonna keep at it.

#cohost #videogames